
Tips, tricks, and apps for ALM iPad users

Archive for October 2011

I’m (Semi-) Back. And Please, Update

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Hello all. I’m on deadline, have a zillion projects up in the air. But I updated my iPad (version 1) to iOS5. And I’m glad I did.

I’ll write a longer post later about the refinements, etc. But I just wanted to flag this–the newsstand app. It gathers your subscribed publications into, well, a newsstand. You can go to the apps’ settings, and if you’ve got a sub, not a copy-by-copy purchase deal, you can tell the app to update automatically.

What happiness. The old New Yorker app used to make me download the latest copy, and it would freeze halfway through more often than not. Now a fresh issue comes in all by itself.

Even better, so does the Times. So I can leave the print copy for my puzzle-addicted wife to finish up when she gets back from teaching schoolkids. And I can carry a full-color, all singing and dancing Times every day on the iPad. One less thing to pack every day, too.

Written by almipad

October 25, 2011 at 1:57 pm

Posted in Uncategorized